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Relationship Networks

Relationship Networks

Networks have long been part of the business world however it is only recently that we are beginning to understand the role they play in our ability to be successful both individually in our roles and collectively as an organisation. 


In this book, I aim to inspire greater workplace efficacy through “netships” (networking relationships). Relationships are critical to every department and in particular anyone with a sales or service focus. The transactional based approach to workplace relationships does not have a place in the future of work. In this sense I believe sales to have much in common with all functions requiring collaboration at some level. I will talk a lot about sales in my examples, yet I believe this is often interchangeable and the same truths apply to an engineer, builder, architect who finds themselves managing a project or team or having to bring in business. The account manager responsible for keeping a client happy or even the SME owner who needs to influence their peers to work in partnership. 

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